你曾经想过永远是什么样的呢?Have you ever wonder about the likeliness of forever?
是不是像儿时和大人曾经承诺长大后的样子? Was it the promises you make with the adults about growing up when you were a child?
是不是上学时和老师讨论以后的梦想?Was it the career paths you discussed with the teacher during the time when you were schooling?
是不是单身时幻想未来的恋爱经过?Or was it the time when you were single and ponder about the probabilities of your relationship fantasies becoming real?
看似无关联系的种种种种都和时间牵扯着,如果知道有永远的时间,你还会需要考虑与幻想吗?All these examples I gave does not seems to correspond to the topic of 'forever', but they are linked by time. If there is a forever, would all these thoughts be irrational?
那既然没有永远,别人和你说的 ‘永远’ 又有何意思? 骗人的吗?什么 ‘永远爱你’ ,‘永远一起’,‘永远恨你’。But since there is no forever, so what does it mean when someone mentions the word 'forever' to you? Are they just all lies? 'I will love you Forever', 'forever together', 'i hate you forever'.
不一定是,可能只是一个夸张的表示罢了。Not necessarily, it may just be an exaggerated form of expression.
但都知道,永远 目前不存在, 而且 永远 真的很远。But as everybody knows, forever, at this point, does not exist and it is very very farfetched.
大家应该珍惜现在,也珍惜和你说 ‘永远’ 的人。毕竟不是每一个人都能让他人用永远这个词,因为 ’永远‘ 是一种承诺。But Everybody should cherish the now and cherish the people who uses the word forever when speaking to you. For not everybody is willing to gave you such a promise.
以后,明天,未来 都肯能不先到,但永远从这一刻开始。
现在,今天,立刻,马上 会先到,其他的 以后,明天,未来 在说吧。