Dear Magic
Well, I have written that I have insomnia before so it should come with no surprise, but I am feeling kind of poetic.
Nowadays I do manage to fall into slumber in the late of night, specifically 3ams. 3am used to be when my mind and thoughts grew ablaze with many 'what ifs' and 'what could happens'. 3am used to be about poetries and music of all kind celebrate the birth of a star and illustrate the sky and my head with perfect stories. 3am is when everyone is asleep and the peace and serenity seeps in through the open windows singing lullabies that make people reminisce their day and their happy memories over and over.

I often wonder if I was from a different timezone as compared to my folks during these late nights, for I can never fall right to sleep the moment my head touches the pillow or sleep at an exact timing no later then 12am. But I guess there is no blaming anyone that they fall asleep, missing the beautiful symphony the night sky and serenity come together to orchestrate. The shades of a star lit nights, hoping that Peter Pan is watching. The beauty of a silent street, breaking apart all the negative aspects of life brought on by the eyes and mouths of another. The calmness of an uncrowded mind, bringing peace and stringing thoughts into proper sequence.

I often wonder if I was from a different timezone as compared to my folks during these late nights, for I can never fall right to sleep the moment my head touches the pillow or sleep at an exact timing no later then 12am. But I guess there is no blaming anyone that they fall asleep, missing the beautiful symphony the night sky and serenity come together to orchestrate. The shades of a star lit nights, hoping that Peter Pan is watching. The beauty of a silent street, breaking apart all the negative aspects of life brought on by the eyes and mouths of another. The calmness of an uncrowded mind, bringing peace and stringing thoughts into proper sequence.
I am proud to be an insomniac, I am not saying it is a good thing that I have insomnia but I do embrace having one. Maybe a tad panda-eyed, but other than that, I do not find it an issue. I found the peace and quiet that most people needed but could not find, because it do not exist in the day but, at night when all is asleep, unconscious in their perfect dream world, and I am seemingly the only one that I feel with my senses that exist. There are some people who enjoyed the light and fear the dark. I respect that, but I love the dark, for there are things in the light that are much scarier than what another fears in the dark.
I guess this is where I will stop writing. I am just sharing an insomniac story of her night to you.
I miss you Magic.
Love you. XOXO, Jar