Dear magic,
Its been a while since I have last wrote to you. Today I am writing to you about the dreams I am having recently, but by saying that I have a lot of dreams lately would also meant that recently, I haven't been sleeping well.
All my dreams are weird, just informing you in advance.

The first dream I want to share with you is about some river village and its tribe.
So apparently, my childhood friend Ivy and I were cruising the river village on a big canoe with the tribe's people sailing it. I can't recall the reason why we are there in the first place but somehow we were invited/summoned there to save the tribe. yes, SAVE. Because, Ivy have superpowers! She's apparently a witch with psycho-telekinesis powers like the Jean Grey in X Man. And, she is not alone. She have a group of people that have powers in her team as well.
Me? Do I have powers?
I don't know. From what I remembered... Well, I don't remember. But that dream slowly escalated and I went from one dream to another.
The second dream.
It happened on a train. Like a huge railway train, or in Singapore's reference, an MRT. I was in the train with my friend whom I know since primary school but was not close to until secondary school, Leaf (Nickname) and was going to a not-so-close friend's birthday. The both of us was sitting side-to-side in the empty cabin and suddenly Leaf's friend pushed a cart from typical supermarkets over to her. Inside of the cart was filled with her primary and secondary school stuffs, and the friend after passing it to her, she disappeared into the next cabin. On the train, even though our cabin was empty, we could see into other cabins and saw many of our common friends from secondary school. There was people that I was closed to and missed dearly, there were people that I am not so closed to and there was one that we (Leaf and I) were closed to but isn't anymore longer. There were a lot of people we saw from different cabins and we all alighted at the same stop to proceed to the same place; the birthday party.
These 2 dreams, I did not wake up or anything, these 'two' dreams that are completely not related is one huge dream that I had, so maybe my powers in the first dream is teleportation or diverting into another universe(?).
The last dream,
was about some VVVVVVVVVVIP spa resort looks like a high-classed chalet or the resort at Maldives. The interior was spacious and classy and in the building I was located, there are only 2 rooms. the facilities are like a walk away and the walk is gorgeous, I will need to walk through 2 display pools. Display pools are basically pools for display. The building that I arrived to is the location for spa, pool and karaoke amenities. I can't really remember the details of who I meet and what I did, but I recall me running around a lot meeting people. I made many friends and had fun with them in totally platonic ways. The ambience and the environment was literally a dream in a dream. To push the dream even more unrealistic is that, there were many guys that were pursuing me in the dream. But none of which I recognised in real life so thats that, or my dream telling me that it is impossible. *sweats smile* It was a fun dream and one which I would like to see if the place do really exist in reality because that'd be so cool.
Dreams have different meaning to each element that one can or cannot remember.
At least that what I believe in. Different people have different explanations for the dreams one dreams of like e.g., missing something, reminder, warning or others. For me, I like to believe that each aspect in a dream represent something in daily life about oneself.
Dream One.
Childhood friend: If your friend in your dream is your friend in waking life, then this person is on your mind.
Superpowers: To have superhuman powers in a dream reflects waking life feelings of confidence to succeed in achieving a goal, even against great obstacles.
Water (river): water is a universal symbol for emotions; my river was calm and peaceful but cloudy which means lack of emotional clarity and fear of contamination.
Tribe: Tribe in a dream means you have discovered a secret in waking life.
Village: My village was on water; having a village near water indicates one is creative, comfortable with emotions and invites happiness into one's life.
Dream Two.
Train: Trains in dreams signify attempts to reach significant destinations in out lives-such as career or romantic goals along a predictable track.
Train cabin: The cabins in the trains indicates the behaviours of one protecting him/herself in waking life.
Friend I have travelled with: Indicates separation.
The people I meet on the train(recognised): indicates that one holds emotions for these people.
Birthday: Dreaming of a birthday foretells a calm period in your life.
Let's break down my dreams (1 & 2)
Dream 1:
- Childhood friend: My childhood friend left for Korea to study for a month so I've been thinking about her.
- Superpowers: I met with some issues at work and I am determine to resolve it, since I am getting the hang of it.
- Water & Tribe: I recently discovered someone's secret and is quite disgusted by it, feeling of ratting out to an authoritative figure, but refused to stoop that low and be involved in it further.
- Village: I think this is what most people wants so it is kind of self-explanatory
- Train: Like I mention meeting a obstacle in my career path but determine to overcome it to reach a certain destination.
- Train cabins: endearments to my friends.
- Friend I have travelled with: She's going somewhere for a vacation
- The people I meet on the train: Misses
- Birthday: I hope so.
I shan't break down my last dream. But you can see that a simple dream can mean so much and it does not mean everything in the dream is related. Probably the only thing related in the dreams and it's elements is that each one of it is relevant to the person in their waking life. So this is also why most dreams are not the same and also why I find dreams interesting. There are many different explanations for each element, just believe and pick the one that relate to you the most after all, you are the star of your own dream, even if you aren't in it.
Anyways Magic, I won't ask how are you or where you are, because I believe you are well taken care of wherever you are because you were the best that we every loved. Also, Annabel had me convinced that you are in VVVVIP heaven suite. I just hope you are happy wherever you are and, even just a little bit, do have the time to miss us.
I love you so much boy, and miss you so much too.