Dear Magic,
There are many things that happened after you passed. I guess it is always inevitably that people and things change. Then again, you are watching aren't you. Every little tiny bit. Well, January's weather is kind of a mess *laughs* but I did experience Genting-kind weather in Singapore.

My condition has not gotten better, and I am still trying to find a way to live with it. But it is really really hard. Sleepless nights, panic attacks, what's new? I am really trying my best to cope with the environment around and my circumstances. I've been stepping out of my comfort zones (aka my room and house), it all is still a learning phase. Just like a new-born learning to crawl or walk for the first time. It is still, hard.
Well, I've found a job. Aside from my classes at night. My boss is really nice, but very korean orientated *giggles* which is fun and interesting nevertheless. She gave me the hope that I wanted. The hope to do something entirely mine, entirely something I love. I guess you can say that I have just received my first instructional guide on doing things that I love and try to make a career out of it. Now, the hard part... Well, I know what I love and I love what I do, but nobody said I am great at doing it, which kind of is a dilemma. Honestly.
But fortunately, I am not at a complete loss. I know of people that is able to and are awesome at it. I am just thinking how do I get my thoughts across to them and which exactly is the first step in this instruction booklet. I am just wondering if what I think during the late nights when I could not fall asleep, would become a reality or, am I just pushing my luck.

I dream of a future that people knows what I enforced and still be supportive of me, a future where people will know that prejudice is not tolerated and that feminism is just people asking for the world to give females the same choices, opportunities and reasons as that of males. Animal should be free and happy, for their soul is that of a person. Being open minded is a virtual and a few more. My dream of my future is to do things differently and make a difference in one or more individual lives.

It honestly is not a dream about fame or power, but I just feel that some changes would be appreciated. It is not any 'WOW' or super incredible kind of dream, it is just a belief that someone as mere as me in this millions and millions of beings identical, I can be a little different.
A little eccentric. A little fragile. Maybe naive even.
But definitely different.

I dream of a future that people knows what I enforced and still be supportive of me, a future where people will know that prejudice is not tolerated and that feminism is just people asking for the world to give females the same choices, opportunities and reasons as that of males. Animal should be free and happy, for their soul is that of a person. Being open minded is a virtual and a few more. My dream of my future is to do things differently and make a difference in one or more individual lives.

It honestly is not a dream about fame or power, but I just feel that some changes would be appreciated. It is not any 'WOW' or super incredible kind of dream, it is just a belief that someone as mere as me in this millions and millions of beings identical, I can be a little different.
A little eccentric. A little fragile. Maybe naive even.
But definitely different.

Hooo... It is really getting hotter and hotter, the weather I mean, and I read that it is only going to get hotter still. I really hope Singapore will snow soon. It may be the kind of proper motivation and change the world needs to understand that Mother nature is done with humanity's idiocy. It may be too late but, at least some things will change. Who knows.

Love, Me

Love, Me