Melodies from memories. ♥

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Hurt? Maybe just a little.

Hurt, who hasn’t been hurt?

 It’s a phase of growing. It is somewhat like the yin and yang thing people speaks about of the world. Okay, maybe not somewhat but similar- okay maybe not similar but exactly what the yin and yang of the world is about. What is this yin and yang atrocity you ask? It is a balance system of how the world revolves as a normal – when there is good, there is some bad, just like some people are happy and some are sad. These are just very basic and vague examples.

Hurt, what about hurt?

 It is simply put an emotion that us human feel when we get our heart crushed by a simple back turn of someone close, or the aggrievement of having to know friends get entertained by the enlargement of tales starring yours truly. But everybody gets hurt, that is how we learn and/or grow. 

Since it is my blog, let’s talk about me. Well, it is the only time I should be narcissistic, should. 

I shall skip the word ‘honestly’ because, one, either most of you that know me should know these or, two, there is no point lying here, well let’s face it, you are here probably just looking for something juicy to read as a bedtime story or an entertainment or that you know me and trying to get some vibes on my life. Not much to put in or to lie about, I am not a celebrity or someone who wants to be famous. 

There were many plans that I have thought of during my intern that I had in mind to do and catch up on during my holidays. There were situations that happened during the period of intern when things went south or sour, depending on which word you like, but it went bad, basically. And when the holidays hit, none of those plans came through, neither did my mood or mind. I did not notice at first because it seems too subtle but. My depression relapse.

There were phases in my head chanting;

“…nobody likes you” “…nobody likes you” “who is she to do this?” “…nobody likes you” “…nobody likes you” “…nobody likes you” “…better if she was gone” “…nobody likes you” “…nobody likes you” “…nobody likes you” “…nobody likes you” “why does she bother coming here.”  “…nobody likes you” “…nobody likes you” “…nobody likes you” “…nobody likes you” “…nobody likes you” “her boyfriend deserves better.” “…nobody likes you” “…nobody likes you” “useless”  “…nobody likes you” “…nobody likes you” “worthless” “…nobody likes you” “…nobody likes you” “stupid” “…nobody likes you” “…nobody likes you” “…nobody likes you” “what a disgrace”  “…nobody likes you” “…nobody likes you” “…nobody likes you” “…nobody likes you” “…nobody likes you” 

“Why does she exist in the first place?”

Trust me when I say this, but my head did not generate those words on its own. Those words came with voices, voices that belong to people in this reality. And some of those voices, belong to people that I called friends. Friends that I claimed family.

There were misunderstandings, many rumors and a whole lot more of gossips, I cannot blame anybody. Misread, mistook and misfire, it is not anybody’s fault. Trying to ‘step into others’ shoes’ trying to understand another position is wrong, because it’s my feet. I thought I was being kind of altruistic, you know, trying to get along, the ol’ forgive and forget thing and the apologetic takes the whole blame movement, but it was just arrogant and caused the spreading commotion into an uproar. An uproar that never stopped in my head till this very day. 34 haunting days. 

Do not get me wrong, those people was not the ones that hurt me the most. What was, was… simply betrayal. And the thing about betrayal is, it only comes from those you trust. It hurt, it hurt like a bitch. Angry? Maybe. Sad? A little. Scared? Yes, I was terrified. The fear of letting another coming close to me, so that their grimy little paws can slowly but tightly grasp my heart, ripping it out from its cage inside me. No, not happening again. My eyes wet with saltwater for days and days and days without reason, longing for the sky to descend with every moment a tear slipped without blinking. Nightmares of getting cheated, of getting teeth dropping, of insects, just kept reminding me what a tremendous failure I am when awake. Constantly picturing myself in a place of peace and serenity but to open my eyes to people that brought hell as a gift on a silver platter. So pardon me for trying to push everyone as far away as possible and hiding every possible truth of my emotions with every ounce of willpower I had, which willpower, I comment, is mentally dying. 


Try to understand, but could you? My story is just one of another laughing stock to many out there. That is the top of the hierarchy and they have never thought of a need to come down, why would they? And they are right too, these people usually have green lights their entire life. Life is unfair, sometimes you just got to wonder, what in the world did they sacrificed in their previous life and what did you do in yours.