I will summarize all the huge events that I been through in this period of time that I did not update my blog. Sowwie.. I was busy. >< Anyways, ENJOY! ( not in date sequence.)
First, kbox session with B3TR4YERS/Tomato House/Potato.

The girls. ♥

A groupie with my awkward blur hand and smile.

Haha, #Jaroy. Roy's face look hilarious here. It's fine, I look decent. XD

This picture might be a mishap but to me, it's beautiful (except for me). You get to see the unprepared and natural happiness in this picture.
Second, there's my first racial harmony day in Ngee Ann Polytechnic with my classmates.

Um.. well, a preview for my next movie? 'Kung Fools'
My leg is a bit too exposed ah.. I just realized ._. Do not judge me. XD

My Class and mentor. ♥

Last but not least, HS day. ♥

Managed to get a picture with her, and you know what is the best part? She requested for it! :D
I was literally jumping for joy when she asked me to take the picture with her due to what had happened. But I guess, we are still considered close and she's my best friend (even if she does not want to treat me as so).

It was a short meet up and we both did not stay for long. By the way, today is Nurse's day, So HAPPY NURSES' DAY to all nurses in the world!
These are the people who are out there, working hard for their lives and future ahead which I misses dearly. But I understand that our times are not suitable to match. It's fine, but you should know, I miss you guys extremely.

Crazy Blind ♥ *caterpillar emoji here*
Hey baobeis, I suppose you guys are working hard for Your O levels. So just know that I missed you guys dearly and I'll always be here supporting and giving you guys all my moral support. Love you

Yucheng and Ian, ♥
I miss you guys too. Work hard kays. Maybe if I'm free, I'll go down to JVS to see you guys (CrazyBlind and you guys) soon.

This bunch is another fond memory of mine. *adds Kdm inside*
Sorry that my timetable and schedules do not match with you guys. But I hope all of you are doing well in your individual courses and that everything is smooth flowing. I wish nothing but all the best for all of you. :)

Hey Mary! ♥
Sup Bestfr, Probably 'forever busy' is your new status in life. But I'm happy to be able to meet you for a short meet-up for a movie date that day and thanks for everything. Next time when you're free, remember me kay. XD Goodluck for your studies and all the best deer!
These entire list of people are the ones usually makes me the happiest and shows they care often enough to the paranoid me. So immediately their presence makes me smile like this:

Just upon seeing them. ♥
*Just a warning, my next post is going to be a serious downer, so this post is exactly what i meant by ' the sunshine before the storm.' Next post, Jar's emotional meltdown is back.
Anyways, just a sparkle.