Well, there's a quote quite well spread. It reads:
"Promise, is what a liar says to a fool."
Now, I got my version of that story.
How is it that its okay for one to break someone's promise for another who wouldn't do the same? Wow, honestly that's fine. Call me forgiving, stupid or naïve, whatever.
Then what about trust, friendship and well, being a friend.
Honestly, I don't know what I did to deserve such humiliation, especially from somebody I THOUGHT was my best friend. Your friend, he looked down on me, laughed at me and you think I'm angry because he knew what I was? Trust me when I say I'm not. But now, angry is too mild. I'm infuriated. You knew that he did whatever he did and after I knew, all you care about is his feelings and whether 'he be mad at you'?! Ha, are you for real?

You kept your promise to both him and me, if that's your moral, you must as well disappear. For your sake. Congratulation, you narcissistic bitch. I'm pissed not for him knowing, or her telling but you actually promised to that kind of shit. So, did you enjoy him insulting and looking down on me, I wouldn't even call myself your best friend because your level is just too high, your friend?
And after all this, you decided that if time was to rewind, its best if I didn't know? That you didn't tell me, at all. Then let me tell you this,
I cried. Then I realized that all this time, I was just a joke, to BOTH OF YOU.
I trusted you. I treated you like my best friend. At least I think I didn't do anything wrong, to you.
If I were you and you were me, I would tell that lowlife to shut the fuck up and I'll probably never ever speak to him again. I might block him on every social network I have and tell you what he said and what I did. So, forgive me for not understanding whatever reasons or excuses you have to keep it for.

I thought you knew me, better than the rest, guess I was wrong and I suppose this is my enlightenment. You can say I've changed but then again who haven't? Everybody I knew did and if it was me in the past, maybe I wouldn't. But I'm trying to accept the world, the people and myself. I want to adapt, I want to fit it. As desperate as I am, I'm still me. My morals have not changed, my love for my friends, my sincerity to every being.
You can hate me for this, but you're not me. So don't think you can feel what I feel about this or tell me to stop being so immature and care about this kind of minor stuff because to me, this isn't minor. Its betrayal. A stab in the back by your own most beloved knife. You may think I hate you, I may think that too but honestly, despite whatever I said, in my heart, you'll still be my precious friend. I can never hate you but give me some time to forgive you. For you really did hurt me.

"I wouldn't have mind dying for you and I don't expect you to do the same, that's because I thought we were friends, best friends."

You really did broke my heart.
Can you feel the pain I feel before retaliating, before arguing with me and the rights and wrongs. Can you feel the despair I'm fighting in myself that this is all in my head. Do you realized that I'm hurt deeply even though it may be all my overthinking thoughts.

You really did broke my heart.
Can you feel the pain I feel before retaliating, before arguing with me and the rights and wrongs. Can you feel the despair I'm fighting in myself that this is all in my head. Do you realized that I'm hurt deeply even though it may be all my overthinking thoughts.

"We're so close to reaching that famous happy end. Almost believing, this one's not pretend."
So close // Jon McLaughLin
So close // Jon McLaughLin