In this piece, I will describe to you some people. They might be fictional, they might exist right next door to you. Either or, do not take this to heart, but if the shoe fits, by all means wear the shoe.
Let me talk about this girl which speaks without using her head, is horribly clueless about her surrounding and people and is extremely fantastic in breaking promise another hold close to her heart. Even looking at her as a bystander makes me feel awkward, as her actions and her aspirations contradict themselves and is brim-filled with irony.

She wishes to be popular, but she dismiss herself away from everybody.
She aspires to hold the heart of the one she gave hers' away to, but she continue doing things he detests.
She wants people to trust her, but she breaks even the slightest of promises.
She craves attention for herself, but she promotes her 'friends' flaws in front of those that mattered to them.
She desires friendship, but she made up an excuse that made them awkward in her presence.
She fancies, she needs, she demands, yet at the same time, she destroys.
I entrusted her with my trust, my friendship and my attention time and again, however what I got in return was the feeling of betrayal when it felt like what she wanted was everything I held close to my heart. She did not need me, she wanted my life. Despite the little that I was left with. And she wants me to tell her all my secrets and bits n' bits of my life stories?
You must be kidding me.
Friends that knows her and me, if you do know nothing, whether is it about her or me, do not jump the gun. Because the conclusion of you jumping the gun is most likely the gun will be pointed at me.
If you were close, you would know me better. I never play the role of a good guy, even when it is not my fault.

Done with the a girl, let me move on to another guy.
He is usually not the first person that would cross your mind at all; he is silent like the 3am night and do not really go all out to talk to people that does not cross path. He listens to me and he talks to me like he actually gives a hoot about my life. But that characteristic just classifies him with every other guy in the world. And I forgotten that that is just how guys is, not that they are trying to be your friend or even consider you as one. It is just you.
And yet, I really treated him as my best friend. I guess I really liked him as a friend.
But I guess the feelings do not reciprocate. Sometimes he breaks promises, and other times he forgets about me and the remaining times, we do not talk and I desperately miss him then.
But it is never the same, I guess this is just another of my flaw.

Let me talk about another girl, which might be closer than you think.
She's broken. She is torn and fearful of everything, thanks to her past.
She looks into the mirror and she sees flaws decorate her skin. Every inch, every curve, there are scars with hidden stories, ones she hope that never sees the light.
She likes the idea of emotions filled in the jar, but she fails to see the cracks at the bottom, from the effort of keeping her secrets.
She's always ready with a smile, a simple greeting to start the day right. What she doesn't know, is that the corner of her lips tremble just the slightest, when her mind is off to play.
When night greets her like an old friend, depression lurks like a shadow following her everywhere she went, reminding that it's always watching, waiting, for the opportunity to strike her down when she's happy.
Her wrist speaks of stories her lips refused to tell, the stories of her defeat, when she's down broken, down on her knees. They speak of battles fought behind her close lids, the way she clenched her fist with another night of tear-stained cheeks, wishing the heart in her chest would stop beating.
But do you really think that her hurt and tears only breaks her own heart?

All these scenarios of people which could be easily found around you, but each of them is different story and another million reasons to put a crack in someone else's life.

Said from someone whose body suffered many scars created by people in her life.